Before making the decision to report a wrongdoing, we encourage you to consider the following questions and factors regarding your personal and professional situation. You should also feel free to address these questions in your communication with us. This will help us to assess your situation.
We are available to discuss your individual circumstances.
Critical issues
- Are you or your family in any physical danger – for example, have you or your family been physically threatened (directly or indirectly) or attacked?
- Are you or have you been personally involved with the wrongdoing or misconduct?
- If you have documentation or evidence, did you obtain any of it illegally?
Your personal situation
- Are you aware that you may lose your job?
- Do you have sufficient financial reserves or savings in case you lose your job?
- Do you have the support of your family?
- Is your spouse or partner employed at a level that if you lose your job, you and your family could manage financially?
- Do you have any well-positioned friends or connections who would support you if your name became public?
Your work situation
- How long have you worked at the job where you have observed the wrongdoing?
- Does your employer have a whistleblower protection policy?
- Are you a government official or employee?
- Do you have many well-positioned allies or colleagues at work?
- Are you a member of a labor union or trade association?
Your disclosure
- Do you have original documents or evidence?
- Could the information you have be verified or confirmed by other parties as being true?
- Is any of the information that you have already public?
- Does your information concern an urgent risk to people, public health or the environment?
- Have people died, or been injured or sickened, as a result of the situation you are aware of?
- Have public or stockholder funds or resources been stolen, diverted or lost?
- How likely is it that the wrongdoing or misconduct could be covered up, or evidence destroyed, if you reported it?
- How well politically connected is the organization where you work?
- Are top managers or the head of your organization involved with the misconduct?